Believe it or not, this platform has been going around in circles for years.

I guess it’s because no idea comes fully formed and no man is ever stagnant. And sometimes it takes more milestones and more maturity to figure out how hopefully our work and our projects can really be a gift to others. It does not embarass me at all to say that I am finding

my second wind for WorldRoom

during our country’s lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic. Any crisis purifies, clarifies and strengthens our intentions

as human beings.

As an educator who has always been curious as to how things work in the real world, I found myself putting up what initially started out as passion projects.

And now that they’re here, I couldn’t be more grateful for all the things I am learning on the ground (come ‘n friends, education shouldn’t be like living in a bubble). So in no particular order of favoritism, please allow me to introduce Quriocity (it’s the one closest to

my heart as a preschool teacher as it champions play, wonder, and stories!). Then there is Jiro Coffee Studio. Yes, it’s a coffee shop. But beyond that, it seeks to journey with creatives, dreamers, crazy doers, solution designers, and lovers of ideas that may just work. We have a long way to go but that’s okay.

And last but not the least,

there is Mutiara Living. This is the most infant among the three but definitely

equal in strength and passion for its upcoming offerings.

Where do I get the time, you may wonder. And to think that this isn’t even the entire me. I have come to understand

and gladly embrace how our work

should not be segmented into projects

and teams. Everything should be interconnected for nothing is really ever linear. Life is ONE BEAUTIFUL FLOW.

So for me, it’s a whole. It’s just one.

And now that I am coming back to WorldRoom as my heart for imparting valuable lessons with the young,

I am so thrilled to see how the projects

and pitstops and passion expressions

and oozing projections of exciting possibilities now beautifully fit into a meaningful WHOLE.

Happy that you are here.

Happy that our paths have

somehow intersected.

Please linger.

Please come back again and again.

And I sincerely hope that you can find beautiful and wonderful things that you

can bring with you wherever you go.

Best of luck!

And hope to meet you one day!

Teacher Elo

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wonder and play for all ages

the way we live

It’s Never Linear

coffee and creatives